THE NEW JERSEY FARM BUREAU … a private, non-profit membership organization.

NEW!NJ Farmers Buying Guide

The NJ Farm Bureau had a booth at the New Jersey Vegetable Growers Convention this week, greeting attendees as they walked the trade show floor. Staff members Ben Casella and Pete Bylone had a lot of good discussions with members visiting the booth. The show was a great opportunity for farmers to talk to vendors and attend the Rutgers Extension educational sessions offered.

#njvegetablegrowers #njfb #njag #afbf #nofarmersnofood
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The NJ Farm Bureau had a booth at the New Jersey  Vegetable Growers Convention this week, greeting attendees as they walked the trade show floor. Staff members Ben Casella and Pete Bylone had a lot of good discussions with members visiting the booth. The show was a great opportunity for farmers to talk to vendors and attend the Rutgers Extension educational sessions offered. 

#njvegetablegrowers #NJFB #NJAG #AFBF #nofarmersnofoodImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

Travels with President Carter
Friday January 24th Allen arrived in San Antonio, TX for the annual American Farm Bureau Federation convention. The first night a welcome dinner was hosted by President Duvell at The Espee Depot (an old train station). Saturday started with a Presidents Industry regional meeting where we had interaction with many of the convention sponsors, toured the trade show floor and had a nice discussion with many friends, some from NJ and many others from across the country, including Congressman GT Thompson (Chair of the Ag Committee). Saturday evening Allen hosted a welcome reception of New Jersey attendees.

Sunday and Monday was packed with sessions, trade floor visits, discussions and walking, lots of walking! The convention officially opened Sunday morning, with remarks from AFBF president Zippy Duval. The keynote speaker was Lieutenant Colonel Dan Roney, who is also the founder of Folds of Honor. On Monday, the keynote speaker for the closing general session was Eric Boles, a former Jets and Packers football player.

Friday was a full day of resolutions. This year Allen chaired the Credentials Committee which consisted of speaking to the 348 delegates and 171 alternate delegates. After lunch they held regional caucus meetings, where President Carter was re-elected to a 2 year term on the American Farm Bureau Federation board of directors!! (LETS GO ALLEN!) We thank NHFB President Joyce Brady for the nomination and the unanimous vote of the NorthEast delegates and congratulations to David Fisher, NYFB President also winning re-election. Friday night Allen hosted a wrap-up dinner for our NJFB members who made the trip to San Antonio TX.

A big thank you goes out to Pete Furey, Liz Thompson and Steve Napolitano as NJFB Staff on the ground making sure all goes well for the New Jersey group.

What a great AG filled week in TX!
#AFBF25 #njfb #gardenstate #farmers #nj #nofarmersnofood
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Travels with President Carter
Friday January 24th Allen arrived in San Antonio, TX for the annual American Farm Bureau Federation  convention. The first night a welcome dinner was hosted by President Duvell at The Espee Depot (an old train station). Saturday started with a Presidents Industry regional meeting where we had interaction with many of the convention sponsors, toured the trade show floor and had a nice discussion with many friends, some from NJ and many others from across the country, including Congressman GT Thompson (Chair of the Ag Committee). Saturday evening Allen hosted a welcome reception of New Jersey attendees. 

Sunday and Monday was packed with sessions, trade floor visits, discussions and walking, lots of walking! The convention officially opened Sunday morning, with remarks from AFBF president Zippy Duval. The keynote speaker was Lieutenant Colonel Dan Roney, who is also the founder of Folds of Honor. On Monday, the keynote speaker for the closing general session was Eric Boles, a former Jets and Packers football player.

Friday was a full day of resolutions. This year Allen chaired the Credentials Committee which consisted of speaking to the 348 delegates and 171 alternate delegates. After lunch they held regional caucus meetings, where President Carter was re-elected to a 2 year term on the American Farm Bureau Federation board of directors!! (LETS GO ALLEN!) We thank NHFB President Joyce Brady for the nomination and the unanimous vote of the NorthEast delegates and congratulations to David Fisher, NYFB President also winning re-election. Friday night Allen hosted a wrap-up dinner for our NJFB members who made the trip to San Antonio TX.

A big thank you goes out to Pete Furey, Liz Thompson and Steve Napolitano as NJFB Staff on the ground making sure all goes well for the New Jersey group.
What a great AG filled week in TX!
#AFBF25 #NJFB #GardenState #Farmers #NJ #NOfarmersNOFoodImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment
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Information For Farmers

DOH Labor Guidance

NJ’s Deer Overpopulation Emergency

Tractor Supply

As of June ’23 New Jersey Farm Bureau has affiliated with national farm supply retailer Tractor Supply. NJFB members and other visitors can shop through our link for any catalogue item and help build the TS/NJFB relationship. All on-line purchases will reward FB with a small incentive. ***Available for on-line purchasing only- CURB SIDE PICKUP or DELIVERY***

No Farmers No Food

No Farmers No Food

Why Join Farm Bureau?

Why Join New Jersey Farm Bureau

Trenton, NJ
Trenton, US
11:19 pm, Feb 17, 2025
temperature icon 28°F
clear sky
Humidity 40 %
Pressure 1019 mb
Wind 17 mph
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 33 mph
Clouds Clouds: 0%
Visibility Visibility: 6 mi
Sunrise Sunrise: 6:49 am
Sunset Sunset: 5:36 pm