Supporting agriculture in New Jersey is easy!
most popular - farming
- $150/yr
- Regular Membership
- Farmers
- Agricultural business owners
- Equine, livestock, and aquaculture
- Land owners-Farmland Assessed
most popular - non-farming
- $60/yr
- Associate Membership
- Support a safe healthy local food source
- Everyone can be a farm bureau member
- Productive farmland benefits your local economy
- $210/yr
- Corporate Membership
- Large-scale farms
- Interest in production agriculture
- Large Companies
- .
- $75/yr
- Retired Farmer Membership
- Continue to support Farm Bureau
- Continue money saving benefits
- Stay informed and connected
- $25/yr
- Friend of Agriculture
- Support your local farmers!
- Support the preservation and maintenance of open space.
- Support NJFB efforts to advocate for agriculture.
- This is a donation to NJ Farm Bureau, not a membership level.
- $free/yr
- 4H/FFA - Free student membership
- Experience agriculture
- Great on resumes and college apps
- Active 4H or FFA members only
- High school juniors or greater
- $25/yr
- Student membership
- Non-4H/FFA students
- You must be enrolled in school