Learn More about Lightning Protection
01 Jul 2021, Posted by News, Science and Environmental Issues, Uncategorized, Weather inCheck out these loss prevention tips regarding lighting, from American National Insurance. Click here.
Check out these loss prevention tips regarding lighting, from American National Insurance. Click here.
Check out this fact sheet from Rutgers Cooperative Extension on how to prevent heat stress in agriculture. Click here.
At this time of year, heat stress becomes a symptom that you need to be aware of during the hot days of summer. Farm workers should be monitored to prevent a heat illness. OSHA has some helpful tips on preventing heat stress, and what to…
More than one billion records of New Jersey weather and climate data are now available on the state climatologist’s revamped website. Click here to read more from the Star Ledger.
The strawberries are excellent — late, but excellent. Local farmers are predicting that other crops will fare as well after the long, cold winter. At worst, there was a delay in planting due to icy and wet soil. At best, the snow and cold moistened…
The New Jersey Department of Agriculture has been hearing reports of crop damage from a hail storm that hit Gloucester, Cumberland, Salem and Atlantic counties on May 22. The Department is working with USDA Farm Service Agency in helping to assess damage and determine what…
New Jersey agriculture officials spent Friday assessing crop damage from a heavy hailstorm that swept through Gloucester, Salem and Cumberland counties Thursday night, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. Click here to read more.
Major rain fall, especially in the South, affecting produce in the stores. Click here to read more from the New York Times.
A piece from Certified Forester Bob Williams on the forest fire risk. Click here to read more from the Philadelphia Inquirer.
the Daily Journal (6-25-13)