Local Farms – Local Food
If you are a farmer considering agritourism as a part of your farm business, or if you are already doing agritourism, Rutgers has some great resources for you that can be found here. Rutgers Agritourism WebsiteMany direct marketing activities are covered by the Right to Farm Act. Read the proposed Agricultural Management Practice for On-Farm Direct Marketing Facilities, Activities and Events to find out more.
Price Cards:Using a grant from the USDA, Farm Bureau was able to update the Jersey Fresh price cards for farmers to use when marketing their fruits and vegetables! Through this webpage, now you can view and print price cards at your convenience!
Want to know when fruits and vegetables are harvested and available in New Jersey? Click here to view and print a NJ produceseasonality chart!
Find Local Farms – Are you looking for a farm market, CSA, agritoursim activity or a winery near you? These three websites are great tools to assist you in mapping out your NJ farm experience.
Local Farms Local Food … a brochure to provide you and your family with
more information on why purchasing fresh, local fruits and vegetables will benefit your nutrition and health
This website provides resources for busy families to better understand food, nutrition and health. A great resources for
people who want to get and stay healthy!- Rutgers Agriculture Experiment Station Food, Nutrition and Health website
You can also visit the USDA site on nutrition.
NJFB Produce DirectoryWant to know when fruits and vegetables are harvested and available in New Jersey? Click here to view and print a NJ produce seasonality chart!
Are you looking to get more New Jersey fruits and vegetables into your school? Connect with the New Jersey Department of Agriculture Farm to School Program.