New Marketing Assistance Now Available for Specialty Crop Producers
12 Dec 2024, Posted by Economics and Prices, Marketing and Promotion, National News, News inThe U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is now accepting applications for the Marketing Assistance for Specialty Crops (MASC). Applications are due to USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) through Jan. 8, 2025. Funded by the Commodity Credit Corporation, MASC was announced in November alongside the $140 million Commodity Storage Assistance Program for facilities impacted by 2024 natural disasters.
MASC helps specialty crop producers meet higher marketing costs related to:
• Perishability of specialty crops like fruits, vegetables, floriculture, nursey crops and herbs;
• Specialized handling and transport equipment with temperature and humidity control;
• Packaging to prevent damage;
• Moving perishables to market quickly; and
• Higher labor costs.
To be eligible for MASC, a producer must be in business at the time of application, maintain an ownership share and share in the risk of producing a specialty crop that will be sold in calendar year 2025.
MASC covers the following commercially marketed specialty crops:
• Fruits (fresh, dried);
• Vegetables (including dry edible beans and peas, mushrooms, and vegetable seed);
• Tree nuts;
• Nursery crops, Christmas trees, and floriculture;
• Culinary and medicinal herbs and spices; and
• Honey, hops, maple sap, tea, turfgrass and grass seed.
For more information or to apply, producers can contact their local FSA county office or visit MASC program webpage.