September 16 NJFB Newsletter
19 Sep 2022, Posted by News, State News inSeptember 16 newsletter
September 16 newsletter
A summer of intense heat and spotty rain has made things difficult for some New Jersey farmers, with corn withering in non-irrigated fields and soybeans shedding flowers under the blazing sun. Click here to read the full story from
Earlier this week, NJFB President Ryck Suydam sent a memo to all members of New Jersey’s House delegation, informing them of issues important to agriculture, and encouraging them to meet and talk to farmers from their districts. Click here to read this memo.
Inflation and supply chain issue impact ag viability. How can consumers help local farmers? Click here to read the story from NJ 101.5
Farmers are dealing with notable increases in the prices of fuel and fertilizer. Click here for the video. Click here for a transcript.
NJ 101.5 posted an editorial in strong support of hunting to control New Jersey’s deer population. Click here to read the piece.
The SADC draft Soil Protection Standards (revised) document is now in circulation. See the May 2 cover letter from Jeff Everett of the SADC staff (assistant executive director), for a brief summary soliciting informal comments. Click here to read the letter. For a complete draft…
The NJ plastic bag ban went into effect May 4th, and does impact retail farm markets. Rutgers Cooperative Extension has created a Plant & Pest Advisory to help farm markets operators know the rules, and how they apply to their operations. Click here for the…
AFBF staff economist Shelby Myers authored a “Market Intel” article (as part of a series) that dives deeper into the rising prices of farm production expenses like fertilizer, seed and pesticides, energy, machinery and land that are pushing farmers further away from breakeven and questioning…
The highly contagious and deadly avian influenza (HPAI) is an immediate, high-level threat to poultry in New Jersey. To help safeguard the industry, strict standards for cleaning vehicles, containers and materials that transport poultry and related products have been enacted by the NJ Department of…