
Executive Director’s Blog

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The USDA has issued a Draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment for the current Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program in New Jersey.  The proposed action is required to implement an update to the NJ CREP agreement with the objective to expand the program to up to 30,000 acres of permanent vegetative cover to address nonpoint source pollution, preserve open space, and promote on-farm conservation.  The proposal would also add new eligible practices including FSA’s Hardwood Tree Planting, Establishment of Salt Tolerant Vegetative Cover and Field Windbreak Establishment to the current practices: Grass Waterways, Permanent Vegetative Cover (Contour Grass Strips), Filter Strips, and Riparian Buffers.   Farmers who participate receive cost share funding to implement approved conservation practices plus an annual rental fee.


There is a 30 day comment period on the draft environmental assessment, closing on August 9.  A copy of the proposal can be found by clicking here.

Comments can be sent to Sarah Lally at the Farm Service Agency at Sarah.Lally@usda.gov

Most agricultural operations are covered by the OSHA rule to log work related injuries. OSHA work related injuries and illnesses forms are required for all business with 11 or more employees, and there are 3 forms you need to be familiar with for compliance.  If you are inspected by OSHA you will be asked for these forms.

  • OSHA 300 Log is used to post at place of business and record work related injuries and illnesses.
  • OSHA 300A form is a summary for work-related injuries and illnesses
  • OSHA 301 form is an Injury and Illness Incident Report,


The following link provides fillable 300, 300A and 301 forms and instructions for completing the forms.

OSHA Forms for Recording Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses


Additional recordkeeping and reporting information for OSHA forms Recordkeeping – Overview | Occupational Safety and Health Administration (osha.gov)


This website helps you determine if you have to submit the information electronically in the OSHA portal called Injury Tracking Application(ITA)  ITA Coverage Application | Occupational Safety and Health Administration (osha.gov)

YOU MUST submit 300A data if your establishment meets one of the following criteria: 

  1. 250 or more employees and is not in an industry listed in the Exempt Industries list in Appendix A to Subpart B of OSHA’s recordkeeping regulation of 29 CFR Part 1904 or
  2. 20-249 employees and is in an industry listed in Appendix A to Subpart E of 29 CFR Part 1904. (Agriculture is listed in the appendix)

YOU MUST also submit 300/301 data if your establishment(s) has 100 or more employees and is in an industry listed in Appendix B to Subpart E of 29 CFR Part 1904.

Click here for OSHA’s Field Sanitation and Drinking Water Regulations.

Click here for NJ Department of Labor Field Sanitation and Drinking Water Regulations.

Agricultural employers are encouraged to take precautions during extreme heat conditions.  There are numerous online resources that provide recommendations to limit the risk of heat stress. 

Rutgers Cooperative Extension resources for heat stress prevention.


OSHA resources for heat stress prevention:



Temperature resources:

  • The OSHA-NIOSH heat safety tool is a useful resource for planning outdoor work activities based on how hot it feels throughout the day. It has a real-time heat index and hourly forecasts specific to your location. It also provides occupational safety and health recommendations from OSHA and NIOSH. NIOSH/OSHA Heat Safety Tool phone app, available for iPhone and Android in English and Spanish



Competing letters. Much public testimony. And now, a possible heat wave.

As lawmakers consider a measure that would add new protections for workers in New Jersey who toil in extreme heat, forecasters say the state could soon be in store for a rush of hot and humid air.

“We’ve heard the very broad coalition of opposition but the underlying problem still remains. We are simply a much much warmer place to live than we were 10, 20 years ago,” state Sen. Joe Cryan, D-Union, a primary sponsor of the senate bill, said on the phone Wednesday.

Click here to read the full story from NJ.com

The following article was provided by American National Insurance Company.

As your operation begins to prosper, you may find that you’re no longer confined to just one location. Farmers are spending more time today moving equipment and machinery on public roads to various locations for many reasons including the planting, cultivating and harvesting of crops.

Whatever the reason for moving your equipment, traveling public roadways with your agricultural equipment requires extra care to ensure the safety of you and other motorists. Taking the time to consider some safety tips can help reduce your risk of loss.

Driving Your Equipment on Public Roads and Highways

When the distance you are traveling is shorter, it is often quicker and more appropriate to travel on the highway. However, for your safety and the safety of others, consider these tips:

Before You Drive

• Check your equipment’s tire pressure and inflate all tires to the manufacturer’s recommended pressure for traveling longer distances.

• If possible, only operate equipment on public roads during daylight hours.

• Adjust all your mirrors so that you can safely see behind you.

• Make sure you have installed reflective tape and Slow-Moving Vehicle (SMV) emblems on the equipment. Be sure these items are clean and easily visible.

• When driving machinery on a highway, display a red flag atop a pole that is approximately 12-14 feet high. This makes it easier for motorists traveling the highway to see your machinery when visibility is difficult, or even when your machine is hidden from view by a rise or curve in the highway.

• Be sure your machinery is equipped with an approved rollover protective structure and seat belts. This may help prevent the operator from being crushed or thrown out in the event the machine overturns or has a collision.

• Verify that all operating lights including head lights, flashers and any brake lights are in working order.

• When traveling on a roadway that has hills and/or curves that impair visibility, consider having someone follow you in a “trailer” vehicle with their flashers on. This will encourage others to maintain a safe distance behind your vehicle as well as prevent inattentive motorists from “catching” you unexpectedly.

While You Are on the Road

• Look both ways before safely entering the highway. Be aware of the time your machinery takes to accelerate, and the speeds of the motorists already traversing the highway.

• Be alert to the road conditions. Watch for any icy areas, pot holes, low clearances, or sudden drops on the shoulder.

• Be sure you are alert and listening for vehicles and pedestrians. You should not be fatigued or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

• Make sure you are traveling at safe speeds on the highway. Slow down while going around curves and while going up and down hills. Verify that your headlights, tail lights and hazard flashers are in operation while you are traveling on public highways.

• Use hand signals when you are slowing, stopping or turning to alert motorists of your intentions.

• If you begin to obstruct traffic, look for a safe place to pull off so others can pass. This will help ensure impatient motorists do not take unnecessary risks to get around you.

• Review your local and state laws and regulations before transporting or using your agricultural equipment on public highways. Taking the time to use practical safety measures such as these can reduce your chances of injury, damaging your agricultural equipment, or the downtime of your operations.

Hauling Your Equipment

Instead of driving your equipment over long distances, it may be more efficient and safer to transport your machinery by use of a trailer. Consider these tips when this is the option you choose:

• Haul your agricultural equipment on an approved flatbed trailer.

• Make sure all equipment has a parking brake engaged and locked.

• Install blocks or stops under each tire of your equipment for added protection.

• Be sure to safely tie down your equipment.

• Verify that you are obeying state laws and regulations, including height and width requirements.

• Ensure that your trailer and equipment have all necessary flags, lights and reflectors to warn any oncoming motorists and pedestrians.