
State News

Philip J. Traino, 80, a career farmer who was president of the Vegetable Growers Association of New Jersey in 1976-78, died of heart failure Tuesday, Oct. 22, at his home in Marlton. Click here to read the complete obituary from the Philadelphia Inquirer.

New Jersey farmers and agricultural experts questioned representatives from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday about new regulations that will bring federal officials to their farms. The federal regulators visited the Rutgers University EcoComplex on Florence-Columbus Road for a food safety conference. Click…

For 15 years, certified forester Bob Williams watched over 5,000 acres of woodlands and wetlands in Atlantic County’s Estell Manor. He thinned trees, conducted controlled burns, and planted and fenced seedlings of the increasingly threatened Atlantic white cedar. When the Christie administration bought the land…