
New Jersey Farm Bureau News

Ag Matters Online

The SADC recently heard a staff presentation about the development of a draft rule to define and limit soil disturbance on preserved farmland. This draft rule is the result of several years of work by a soil-disturbance sub-committee. The SADC staff believes a rule is necessary to give guidance to preserved farmland owners and clarify two clauses of the deed of easement: one which allows for the development of agricultural buildings, and another which aims to protect the soils on a preserved farm. This issue of soil disturbance on preserved lands surfaced a few years ago with a Hunterdon County greenhouse grower who started large-scale grading/cut and fill work in preparation for temporary hoop houses on a preserved farm.

Farm Bureau believes any rule will have a significant impact on preserved farmland in terms of development of agricultural buildings, including greenhouses and large equine facilities. The SADC will make the draft rule available for public review ahead of any an informal comment period. In January, the SADC will consider whether or not to approve a draft rule for further review. The draft presented to the SADC is available on the SADC website at https://www.nj.gov/agriculture/sadc/news/hottopics/index.html

NJFB policy opposes the adoption of a rule to address soil disturbance on preserved farmland, seeing it as an over step in interpreting the deed of easement that could threaten the future agricultural viability of a changing industry.

The New Jersey Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers (YF&R) will hold their first annual meeting on Sunday, November 16 at the Princeton Westin in Forrestal Village.

Click here to see the full YF&R 2014 annual meeting agenda.

Presentation topics will include farm business planning, microloan opportunities, advocacy and legislative issues. We will also discuss the upcoming FUSION conference in Nashville, TN, and hold officer elections.

The meeting will include lunch, which is complimentary, thanks to our generous sponsors. Because we’re serving a meal, we do need an accurate head count. If you haven’t already done so, please let us know you are coming! You may do so by calling 609-393-7163 or by email at debbiep@njfb.org.

We look forward to seeing you on the 16th!

Attention Equine Enthusiasts

31 Oct 2014, Posted by admin in Meetings and Events

The Equine Science Center is hosting a special screening of the new documentary “Riding My Way Back” on November 11 at The State Theater from 7:30-9:00PM. The film by Academy Award winner Robin Fryday features how horses helped a veteran overcome suicidal tendencies after returning from war. The film’s producer and star will be present for a panel discussion after the film screening.

Riding My Way Back Flyer1

A bill to ban the use of gestation crates in New Jersey is awaiting action by the Governor. Governor Christie vetoed similar legislation during the last legislative session.

The Star Ledger published an editorial recently, pushing for the Governor to reverse himself and sign this version. Click here to read the Star Ledger Editorial

Click here to read NJFB’s letter to the editor on this issue.

The New Jersey Legislature commemorated the 150th anniversary of Rutgers’ designation as the land-grant institution for the state of New Jersey by passing a joint resolution in the Senate on Sept. 22.

In 1862, Congress passed the Land-Grant College Act, a landmark statute also known as the Morrill Act, which established a system of land-grant colleges in each state to train students in the mechanical arts and agriculture. In 1864, the New Jersey Legislature designated Rutgers College the land-grant institution for New Jersey following the efforts of two Rutgers College professors to have Rutgers named the state’s land-grant college, prevailing over Princeton and the State Normal School in Trenton.

Click here to read more.

That fatal attack by a black bear in Passaic County should come as a surprise to no one.

Thanks to pressure from the anti-hunting crowd, New Jersey’s bear population has grown far beyond the capacity of our limited forests to support it. Look at a map of the northwest corner of the state and you will see that there are very few areas that aren’t within a few miles of roads and/or development. And most of that is older development, by the way.

The idea that humans are moving into bear country is nonsense. Fifty years ago, when most of those roads and houses already existed, there were almost no bears in the state. The bears moved into human country, not the other way around. And thanks to pressure from the animal activists, the state hasn’t been able to schedule enough bear hunts to keep their numbers down.

Click here to read the rest of this column.

Those who only pass through New Jersey may wonder why we residents would ever call it The Garden State. Our daughter learned this while introducing herself at a gathering of fellow freshmen at college; when she said she was from New Jersey, a snide questioner replied, “New Jersey, eh? What exit?”

Little do they know of the magnificent farmlands and woodlands and wetlands that lie beyond the toll booths. Little do they know of the parks both rural and urban, of the pinelands, of lakes large and small, of the bucolic shaded towpaths that line our sixty-six miles of Delaware and Raritan Canal, or the sometimes serene, sometimes tumultuous Delaware River the graces our entire western boundary. (And you are already thinking of your own cherished spots, wondering why I haven’t named them.)

We have a lot to be proud of. Pride not just in the amazing state we call home, but also pride in our own steadfast funding over the years for protecting and conserving what makes New Jersey so special. Those just passing through can’t possibly comprehend how serious we are about preserving what is lovely, and restoring what has been defiled.

Click here to read the rest from the Huffington Post.