
New Jersey Farm Bureau News

Ag Matters Online

Effective March 15, 2021, migrant farm workers are eligible to receive the Covid-19 vaccine. In an effort to help migrant farm workers access the vaccine and continue to support the agriculture industry and food chain in New Jersey, an agricultural vaccine program is being created to partner farms with Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) to help vaccinate you and your workforce. If your business participates, all adults aged 18 years or older who live or work on the farm will be eligible to receive the Johnson & Johnson single dose vaccine, administered by FQHCs.

If you are interested in joining a vaccination program tailored to the needs of the agricultural community, please sign up at here. Since interest is quite high, this sign up survey should be completed by Tuesday, March 23, 2021.

Additional information may be found by clicking here.

TIME TO TALK ABOUT DEER! On Monday, Feb 22 at 12:15pm, the NJ Assembly Agriculture Committee will receive testimony concerning deer overpopulation & suggestions for effective strategies to address the issue. Visit njleg.state.nj.us and click on the red “Live Proceedings” button to listen in. Most hearings are archived, and can be accessed later, as well.

Ryck Suydam, president of the New Jersey Farm Bureau, says legislative leadership should make deer overpopulation an immediate priority. “Together, we will explore proven methods to bring the deer overpopulation in our state back into balance by enacting meaningful legislation that protects both our residents and New Jersey’s famed agricultural industry.”

Click here to read the entire OpEd in the Star Ledger.

You are probably thinking, yes, the government definitely can use some brains. This is your chance to contribute! The United States is nearing the goal line after a 70 year battle against scrapie, a fatal prion disease that affects the brain and spinal cord of sheep and goats. Sheep and goat producers can help the USDA achieve this goal.

To read the entire article, click here.

If you want the inside scoop when it comes to policies and perspectives that will affect your farm or agribusiness in 2021, don’t miss the 102nd consecutive American Farm Bureau Convention. This is your opportunity to help set the agenda for the leading voice of agriculture in Washington, DC, and so much more. Participate in educational workshops to advance your leadership skills, expand your business acumen, and gain deep insight into the trends and realities impacting food production. Witness cutting edge innovation in agriculture, hear from powerful speakers, and explore the virtual trade show to build a stronger network, shop featured products, and idea-share with other state and county Farm Bureaus.

Don’t miss the chance to look beyond the horizon at the future of agriculture, sharpen your skills and help set the agenda in Washington.

Click here to register!